The summer is finally here, the sun starts shining and the days are getting longer and longer. It is time to start thinking about our wardrobe and how to organise it in order to get space for our summer clothes. It is not time yet to get rid of all our winter stuff so how to find the space for the nice flower dress you both last year and those cute sandals you cannot wait to wear? First thing to do is to go through all your fall and winter clothing: if there’s anything hanging in there that you haven’t worn all season, maybe it’s time to part with it. There are many charities who thrive off of your generous […]
Health benefits of cherries Arthritis: Drinking a glass of tart cherry juice mixed with water three times a day may ease the symptoms of arthritis as cherries have anti-inflammatory properties Heart: A diet which includes eating lots of cherries lowers the overall risk factors of heart disease, body fat and cholesterol. Antioxidants: Sweet cherries contain high levels of antioxidants called cyanidin, which mops up free radicals, and may also promote cellular differentiation, an important process in the body’s fight against cancerous cells. Memory: Cherries contain anthocyanin, known for it’s ability to improve memory. Eyes: They are high in beta carotene, which are good for the prevention of night blindness. Sleep: They contain melatonin, which regulates the body’s sleep cycles.
Everybody knows the crucial importance of the color of the walls when it comes to decorate the house. The choice is fundamental, but in order to fully understand it, we need to start from the psychology of colors. Each color has a conscious effect that relies on personal taste, and an unconscious effect, more psychological and different for each person. We all know that colors affect mood and state of mind: the color spectrum is comparable to the emotion spectrum. For instance, there are colors like fire red that may have impact on the nerves and the anger. However, if they are used in a balanced way, they can be a source of stimulation for both mind and body. Every […]
The heat increases the risk of dehydration. Our body needs more water and mineral salt. Start your day by drinking two glasses of water and keep drinking at each meal, as well as before and after your workout. It is a good habit to bring a bottle of water always with you in case you need to walk long distances or if you need to take public transports. Fruit also helps to reintegrate mineral salt. Have a light lunch, try to avoid carbohydrates more difficult to digest, and replace them with vegetables or fruit…a fruity ice cream can be an option!
Monday morning, you need another coffee. But when you take the coffee machine from the sink you realise that is nor shiny as when you bought it. The aluminium is not clear and there is trace of limestone inside… time to clean it up, but how? Here some easy tips to bring you mocha pot to its original splendour. Do not put your mocha pot into the washing machine. You’ll need to wash it up by hands, literally. You’re going to use only water and your hands. Simply: 1. Open your pot 2. Throw away your used coffee grinds 3. Wash the filter part under running water 4. Do the same to other parts too 5. Dry Do not use […]
The Benefits of Lemon Water
Drinking a glass of water with half a lemon squeezed into it daily has many benefits for your health. Water with lemon, especially if drunk hot, can boost your immune system, flush out unwanted material, relieve tooth pain and respiratory problems, reduces fever and purifies the blood. With the arrival of the spring our body is more exposed to meteorological changes and it needs more protection. Also, all the allergies come out as we have a walk in the park… Drink a full glass of hot water with lemon every morning before your breakfast and you will fell immediately regenerated!
You organised a romantic dinner at home with flowers, nice food, champagne and scented candles… the dinner was great and you were very pleased with the food you cooked…unfortunately, the day after you realised that your table cover got some stain of wax. How do you remove them? Follow the simple instructions below: Remove candle wax with the hair drier Using the hairdryer is a great choice for hard surfaces like table tops and candlesticks. It’s not quite as good of a choice for fabrics, especially if the wax is colored, because melting the wax without immediately soaking it up will spread the stain. 1. Blow dry the wax until it melts. Set your blow dryer to a “hot” setting […]
Get Fit with some spring gardening
Gardening not only makes your landscape pretty to look at, but also burns approximately 250 to 350 calories an hour. Find the time to garden three times a week for an hour at a time. Anything that makes you sweat—mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, hauling mulch—qualifies as exercise. Also, gardening is great for reducing stress. Plant a small garden, cultivate a flower box, or if space is really limited, plant a few flower pots -indoors or out. After a month you will see the results: your body and mind will be more relaxed and you house will be prettier. If you have just a tiny balcony, don’t worry you can still have your garden…follow our tips to make your terrace […]